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Tales of the Inter-dimensional Trickster Chapter 3

“Well, who cares what it does. For now, I’ve got to sort this mess out.” Jie Jun thought to himself as he started exploring the options on the menu.

As he fiddled around with the options, he discovered plenty of “interesting” functions. For example, his feeling of repulsion that created that gravitational field actually stemmed from the “Formations” function instead of the actions function. Also, the all-important “Actions” function had only one available option, “Transform”. However, it was that one action that was the most important to Jie Jun. If he could transform into a humanoid shape, life could resume its flow and he could truly live on!

Just as he pressed the “Transform” button impatiently, completely disregarding the two “masochists” in front of him, he was informed with a clear metallic voice “Insufficient Energy”.

“I knew there was a damn catch to this madness.” Jie Jun reflected, slightly angered but still relatively calm. But what was this energy? Just as he thought about it, 4 different coloured bars appeared in front of him, namely, red, blue, green and yellow. Only the red and yellow bar was full, whereas the blue and green bar were completely empty. As time passed, even his yellow bar began depleting. Jie Jun instinctively knew that the yellow bar was something representative of his stamina and that it was probably due to the activation of the gravitational formation that had been draining him of it. For there to be insufficient energy for his transformation, it was likely to be his blue or green bar that was preventing him from transforming.

“But how do I “gain” energy? Clearly this world is different from mine…?” Jie Jun thought. The two brothers were clearly not from his world due to their attire which vastly differed from the fashion trends in his society. And even if he didn’t look at their attire, the way the older men ran fifty meters in 3 seconds with ease clearly showed a very different performance than normal people. Even now, the two were resisting the gravitational field and making their way over with a light jog, clearly indicating their internal strength.

Before the two men could make their way to the large golden door, multiple silhouettes appeared just 20 to 30 meters away.

“Sword Practitioner Liu, this one has long heard of your skills. May we have the chance to appreciate your arts in person?” A man remarked sneakily from behind them.

Liu could only turn around in an instant and slash forth with the sword on his back, meeting resistance as it clashed with a blood red knife. “Tsk.” Both men were visibly annoyed by the fact that they were about equal in strength.

“Ming, quick! Head inside while you can!”

“Easier said than done, Senior Brother! They seemed to have had planned this in advance!” Ming replied as he attempted to ward off the daggers thrown from both sides.

“Well, isn’t it a more secure plan to “borrow” equipment from fellow experts that “pass” by this area? HAHAHAHA” The man with the blood-red knife laughed.

Freelance cultivators such as these men were less likely to dare to enter such a legacy site due to a severe lack of backing, so his decision to wait and trap eager weaklings could be said to be a relatively wise policy. Just as he finished laughing, he instantly changed stances and sent forth a blood red claw towards Liu’s face. However, Liu easily deflected the blow.

“Strange, no matter how strong he is at Foundation Establishment, my Blood Claw shouldn’t have been so easily blocked? It seems this place has its strange features…”

Liu also noticed the strangeness of the situation. That blow was clearly one charged up for a period of time and shouldn’t be so light. He instantly realised the origin of this change and looked at the pavilion instantly. The pavilion seemed to light up slightly upon the discharge of the blood claw. It seemed to have “absorbed” the power from that technique? Could it be that it was a legacy for those that cultivated the dark arts and thus had an affinity for such blood techniques? Or could it be the other way around and that it suppressed these dark arts? Such high-level laws were in place in his surroundings that he really couldn’t tell…

However, the man with the blade was instantly delighted. He could feel that upon the emission of his technique, the gravity acting on him lightened, indicating that his actions probably met some hidden condition of the legacy grounds. This sparked off a flame in his heart. How could a man like him be willing to stay like a bug on the ground? If this legacy even had a sliver of a chance of being his then he would be more than willing to stake his life on it. He had not bothered challenging the grounds before because he doubted his fate with this legacy, but now that there was a chance, he would take it! Without any fear of being drained, he continued to rampantly fire off his prized skills.

Noticing his change in battle style, Liu grimaced, the bandit had clearly grasped some chance and Liu was not sure if he should stay on longer in this ground. However, before he retreated, he decided to fire off a Qi Wind Slash to see if he had any affinity as well.


“Wow, so you can actually fire off energy blasts in this world!” Jie Jun was instantly delighted. This was extremely interesting! But what was more interesting was the fact that his blue bar actually filled up slightly. Albeit only by 2 to 3 percent by the likes of it, it was an indication that these “energy blasts” were beneficial to him. Woots!

Well, maybe if I reward him or something he’ll do that more? Upon having the thought, he tried to think of slightly lowering the gravity field on the bandit. Instantly, the bandit looked gratified and started to fire off more blasts. Who said that doing good did not reap good rewards! This was clearly humanity at its best!

Then, he saw the wind slash from the swordsman and noticed that his bar also filled up slightly. Hmmmm, this energy absorption seemed to disregard elemental differences? Being the kind and just gentlemen he was, Jie Jun decided to lower the gravity field on the swordsman as well. Feeling ever so kindly, he rejoiced at the “fruits” of his labour. At the rate they were going, his blue bar would reach the halfway point in another 2 to 3 minutes.

Regardless, he wasn’t able to move, so he decided to look at what the item option entailed.

  • Lord of Wind Sword

  • Lord of Slaughter Blade

  • Lord of Darkness Dagger

  • Lord of Space Pouch

  • Foundation Establishment Pill

“Wow, these look pretty impressive. But the limited range of these options…, could it be?” Jie Jun stared at the 2 parties ahead of him and wondered…

Deciding to try his luck, Jie Jun selected the Lord of Slaughter Blade. Instantly, he felt an intense suction within himself and a great pain in his stomach. Before long, his red bar diminished by a solid 30 to 40 percent and a blood red sphere appeared just in front of the pavilion. Staring at the outside with a pained face, Jie Jun felt an overwhelming pressure being emitted from the red sphere as it slowly formed itself into the shape of a blade.

Instantly, the bandit’s eyes reddened. He knew that this was his one chance to break past being a common practitioner. The legacy grounds had somehow acknowledged him and bequeathed upon the lands a legendary Core Weapon. Although it was only at the level of a Golden Core weapon, it was clearly abnormal even amongst its ranks and might even rival the Legacy Treasures of some mid-sized sects.

Disregarding Liu, he charged forth towards the blade. Liu let him pass upon seeing the insanity in his eyes, not wanting to get dragged up into a life-or-death fight. Up till now, they were still merely testing each other out.

As the bandit managed to get closer and finally grabbed the blade, a strong voice boomed directly into his head.

“Do you truly believe yourself worthy of this Lord of Slaughter Blade?!”

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