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TIT Chapter 6

“It is the sacred altar blessed by the ancestors! We must honour it!” One of the barbaric men shouted.

“Calm down! We must not be disrespectful to our ancestors!” The supposed “tribal chief” emerged and commanded.

Ordering the others to stay in line, the “tribal chief” kneeled in front of the pavilion, signalling the others to do the same.


Jie Jun felt nothing but shocked. Even though his appearance was that of a golden pavilion, it didn’t warrant such respect. However, little did he know that this world lacked gold due to deficiencies in the laws of metal, which caused the few who did possess gold to be coveted as gods or kings. Disregarding the tribal chief and his shenanigans, he looked around and discovered that he had been teleported here without much disturbance to his surroundings surprisingly. The surrounding forests seemed to have “made way” for his existence in this world. Somehow, he got the feeling that the golden pavilion’s abilities were meant for much greater things…

Feeling slightly haughty at the sight of the kneeling tribal chief, he decided that perhaps his “Great Senior” façade might have to come into play once again. Before he could begin speaking, he witnessed as the tribal chief signalled to the rest of the tribe to pay their respects. Deciding to let them do their due diligence, Jie Jun smiled inwardly and kept quiet.

“Puey!” The whole tribe gathered around the golden pavilion and spat on it. Some kids even put in extra effort and spat 2 or 3 more times.

Was this some beggar sect custom that ran rampant in this world?! Why the spitting? What respect was this supposed to be? As he felt slimy and sticky from their spit, he wanted to just give them all a good beating. However, just as he thought about it, he realised that there was not much he could really do. Perhaps he could strengthen the gravitational field and obstruct them, but being a nuisance to these savage people might actually cause a detrimental result whereby they turn around to hurt him. Annoyed by his powerless, he realised that even with his much greater intellect, without power, he could not put any of his newly acquired abilities to good use.

It wasn’t that Jie Jun wanted respect and awe, but that the worlds that he had come into contact with so far seemed to be so strange that he could only find some peace within his heart from playing around. If one thought about it, it wasn’t that strange. Jie Jun had just only died and had experienced nothing but pain and shock from his travels. Living on as a house was perhaps better than being dead, but it would not diminish his fear and fatigue from going all over the place. The fact that he could find it within him to joke around with himself already displayed quite a bit of his mental willpower.

Jie Jun could only worry as the tribal group observed him and started offering some of the prey from their hunt as blood sacrifices to him. Grossed out, he chose to keep quiet and observe the group before making any bold statements. “Since we have offered the sacrifices, we wish upon the Great God Ares to bless us with great fortune in the wars we partake in for the year to come!”

“??? Ares??? Wait, am I in a western civilisation now? Could this be my world? But they aren’t dressed in Greek attire?” Jie Jun thought to himself. “Where am I? Truly?”


“I can’t believe they really moved over here…” Jie Jun murmured to himself as he oversaw the moving of an entire tribe to surround himself.

With such a shiny and clearly rare altar that appeared in the forests, these tribal people would gladly protect and continue their offerings to the altar for the rest of their lives. Because this was clearly a “special” altar that had the legendary “gold” material that their tribal elder told them about long ago.

The tribe was getting accustomed to offering their hunt to Jie Jun, often sacrificing their strongest prey in attempt to appease the gods. Jie Jun was now in constant wonder, they were clearly speaking in English, so this had to be his original world? Or could it be that this was another world backwards in civilisation?

Just as he thought to himself, he witnessed for himself a double-headed bear being sacrificed to him before he realised that this was most likely another world.

“… Well at least that clears some things up…” Jie Jun sighed.

At that moment, he saw his red bar fill up slightly. It was like the download bar in his broken-down computer in his previous life. Moving ever so slightly that he even doubted it moved. Upon observing this change, he decided to observe his red bar while the ritualistic sacrificing went on. However, there was no change. There must have been something special about that bear that allowed his red bar (or rather his HP bar as he preferred to term it) to fill up.

But at the rate it was going, it would probably take at least a few months to regain the health he lost from item creation back at the previous world.

“This won’t do. I know nothing about this place. And I am in danger of being ripped apart for “gold” in this world. Right now, these savages might worship me, but if other more intellectual individuals discover me, they might cause me harm!” Jie Jun deducted.

Then it seemed that the first thing in order was at least to replenish this red bar of his before he attempted anything else. This meant that he had to somehow motivate their ritualistic sacrifices, or at least find a more decent substitute. Should he communicate with them? Jie Jun believed he had a decent grasp of the English language and if need be, could at least talk to them.

It was at this time that the blood from the double-headed bear started seeping towards the golden pavilion, which caused it to shimmer slightly. Now, the red bar began to increase more substantially, piling up at 2 percent per minute. It seemed that direct contact with the blood from these sacrifices was even more efficient than absorbing this energy from afar.

Just as Jie Jun decided to stabilise his “earnings” and not create any new scenarios, the tribal elder noticed his shimmering condition and exclaimed: “It is time! The great god Ares calls for ritual combat!”

“Crazy old man, I didn’t even say anything! Just a slight shine and you go crazy! God dammit!”

Jie Jun had a feeling that staying with the tribe for any longer than a week would drive him insane from the gaps between expectations and reality that he had.

Author's note: TIT is a bit slow but I hope that you guys will support Jie Jun and his slight bad luck! Just a heads up, this world will be one with Daoism as the overarching backbone, and will involve multiple beliefs and cultures. I will expand more next time. I hope that this chapter gives you a rough idea of who and what will be involved next time! Thanks!

Done done: Recently haven't translated much due to IRL issues. Will pick up the pace soon. Driving test is in 2 days so I'll release chappies to celebrate if I pass HAHAHA! If not, thanks for the support guys!

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